Ninón Fregoso

Geometer / Mexican - American

Ninón Fregoso

Developer of applied Fractal Geometry processes. With 45 years of experience in transformational therapy with numerous leaders, politicians, artists, consultants, CEOs, speakers, and personalities who empowered  their lives with Fractal Geometry.

Fractal Health

To be able to talk about Fractal Health, we must firstly talk about what Health is and what is Fractal.

How does a Fractal Healing Therapy (FHT) Work?

In a Fractal Healing Therapy session we find the core (zero point) of the psycho-emotional energy blocks and through a process of transformation of these charges, an awareness of what caused it, plus why you needed this experience. You achieve the release of these imbalance structures.

What does a Session give you?

In each session, you will have access to five levels to discover the origin of your suffering. 

What´s the Objective?

FHT's objective is to provide the tools for the individual to know themselves and transform.

What is the  Process?

The process consists of the restructuring of the five basic geometric bodies of the human...

Fractal Engeeniring Transformation

¿How does a
FHT process?

FHT helps us achieve integrated human fractal growth in a shorter period of time and thus be more effective in our life. It is the incoming transforming relationship of the individual, where the therapist helps and remains from an energetic field to develop. 

Chaos and fractures are intimately related, so much so that we can say that fractals constitute the language of chaos, and therefore, in a fractal order and chaos; in a perfect harmony. Fractality is the science of life. 

What does a FHT development provide you?

In a word, awakening. This development can only be carried out when the individual has already undergone a therapeutic process in order to maximize and enhance their abilities and talents.

What is the therapeutic process?  

The FHT process consists of the restructuring of the five basic geometric bodies of the human being and the application of new healthy geometric structures in the electromagnetic and gravitational field. This is where disharmonic charges are found, and reaching the vacuum in the DNA structure to create gravity, connecting with the origin point of a new stable pattern to support the healing process. 

Success Stories

Fractal Healing


Session 1-1

Ninón Fregoso, a pioneer of fractal geometry in Mexico, explores the incredible world of fractals as they appear in nature, art, medicine and technology. Ninón offers new insights into topics such as measuring fractal complexity by dimension and life. 

Ninón Fregoso

Fractal Healing Therapy Blog 

All about it

The Codes of the Universe and the
Fractal Language


Camino a Santa Teresa 13,
Pedregal del Lago, Tlalpan
C.P. 14110, CDMX


Telephone: 5652-3968
Celullar: 55-7874-6298